WWF Madagascar pioneers energy efficiency techniques in its office

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις March, 27 2017

WWF Madagascar team is implementing new ways to control and reduce its office energy consumption. This is part of its strategy to “walk the talk” and live in harmony with nature.
WWF Madagascar team is implementing new ways to control and reduce its office energy consumption. This is part of its strategy to “walk the talk” and live in harmony with nature.

The first key component of the energy efficiency effort was to understand the office electricity consumption. Zina, the Logistic Manager, did real detective work, counting all appliances in the office and estimating their energy consumption, with the help of simple Wattmetres. Then, with the help of the IT team, he installed a smappee device on the electricity cables, in order to monitor the office electricity consumption continuously. This gave us a good idea of our usual electricity consumption and helped us identify which are the heavy electricity consumers in the office. In our case, the servers and server air conditioning, desktop computers, lighting were the major electricity monsters. All staff have access to smappee data on their computers and even on their phone through an app.

This week, as a run-up to Earth Hour, WWF Madagascar organized the “energy efficiency” week, with support from Jean-Philippe Denruyter, Manager Applied Energy Solutions at WWF International. Staff received a short training and was encouraged to take measures to reduce their consumption. They established an energy efficiency plan and attention to switch off lights and appliances (water heaters, computers, water dispensers, etc) when not needed. We saved 12% electricity during the efficiency week through staff efforts[1]!

Part of the efficiency plan also includes longer term actions such as making the server services, the lighting, computers etc more efficient over time, although this requires investment.  

WWF Madagascar is committed to continue its efforts. Field offices participated in the efficiency week and those offices will be audited over time. WWF will also set a an electricity consumption reduction target year by year, in order to improve continuously.

In the coming months, WWF will also start installing solar photovoltaic equipment on its offices. More about this later!!!
[1] In fact, if the servers’ consumption is excluded (staff cannot really influence that) the electricity consumption reduction was of 26%!
Energy efficient week
Energy efficient week
Energy saving during Energy efficient week
© WWF Madagascar